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Worthy Cause Grant Program


The Greater Baton Rouge State Fair and Trade Show began in 1965 in an effort to fund community service projects of the Baton Rouge Jaycees. That relationship continued until 1986, when the Fair Corporation was spun off from the Jaycee organization. The Baton Rouge State Fair Foundation was formed in the same year and took responsibility for managing the proceeds of the Fair Event and distributing grants throughout the community at that time.

Total funds disbursed to the community since 1987, including Fair contracts with nonprofit organizations and “use of space” payments to BREC, are near $5,000,000. That number does not include the considerable value of the equity in the Airline Highway Fairgrounds donated to BREC in 1986.

The objective of the Foundation's Worthy Cause Program is to promote educational, cultural, and other opportunities with a preference for children and young people in the greater Baton Rouge area who have demonstrated achievement or who may be in need by funding initiatives developed and managed by local non-profit organizations.

Worthy Cause Grants are awarded to qualifying non-profit organizations for support of projects which align with the Worthy Cause Program objective.

Qualifying non-profit organizations may apply for Sponsorships for fundraising, awareness, or celebratory events which align with the mission, vision, and interests of the Foundation.

Grants for programming and capital expenditures are exactly that and are often tied together in the same grant. Grants for Capital Expenditures are considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Baton Rouge State Fair Foundation directly.


Each grant applicant must be a nonprofit volunteer organization serving the greater Baton Rouge area and must demonstrate that it manages its operations efficiently. The proposal must show how the project furthers the objective of the Foundation's Worthy Cause Program and that the proposed project can achieve its expected results. At the conclusion of the funded project, the Foundation requires each applicant who received a grant to submit both financial and narrative reports on the use of its grant and the impact that the grant may have had on the community it serves.

Grant applications must follow the format outlined in the following pages. Each grant proposal must be submitted via email to the Foundation NO LATER THAN MARCH 31, 2025. At the conclusion of the project, the grant evaluation document(s) must be transmitted in the same way.

For clarification or additional information, you may contact Melissa Miley at Applications submitted in any form other than electronic will not be considered.

Baton Rouge State Fair Foundation
Worthy Cause Program Grant Application Outline

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